Christian women are standing by their man. Boy, does that familiar.

29 Mar

Teri Carter's Library



We’ve all seen the flyer, the one distributed by Chaplain Lee Watts, Bible study leader at the Kentucky State Capitol, advertising his March 9 prayer breakfast.

I recalled this flyer, the one Chaplain Watts insisted was misunderstood, as I watched a group of self-described Christian women in Dallas defend the president while dismissing Stormy Daniels during her 60 Minutes interview. “This is a porn star,” one woman sneered. “Why are we giving it any credibility? And the fact that she now wants to come out with a story because she’s afraid for her children? My goodness! What did you tell the kiddos about your full-time job?!” Another woman adding, “Should we believe the President of the United States or a strippper/porn star?”

These women still respect the president they voted for. Like the cartoon woman on Chaplain Watts’s flyer, they think negative stories about Trump are nothing but…

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